Friday, May 13, 2011

My future

So my goals for the future involving peace are simple.

Short-term: My goal is to keep a good attitude at work even when things go unfarely (i know not a word but thats how i feel) or when i get agitated by others, or even when i feel sick. This would create peace for others at my workplace.

Long-term: My goal is to try and help others to find their inner peace.

Inner Peace

I believe that inner peace is something that is hard to gain because everyone is almost always in a constant struggle with themselves, well i think anyway. For example theres people who struggle with sexuality, weight, personal goals, and  a multitude of other things. Don't get me wrong people can find inner peace but i believe thats only for a brief moment and then their mind goes back to thinking of what they've done wrong. Maybe people can find inner peace with themselves but to me it seems that the way society is pointing this generation people may always go to the back of there mind i still say..i wish i could do this or be that when they know that it's just not physically possible.

Friday, May 6, 2011

You - your cell phone = peace

If someone were to take away your cell-phone, your computer, or your television how long would you last before you went “insane”? If you were told it was for peace, would that help? The men and women in the military not only have to leave behind our everyday electronics but they leave behind their family, friends, and they live with the thought, everyday they are overseas, the fact that they may not be coming home. Even if they come home they are risking their sanity. Everything they see and have to do can mess with their head and make them have all sorts of mental problems. On the same note of coming home, they might not come home with every limb intact either.

Those men and women risk everything in the name in of peace. They go months without even getting to have contact with their loved ones. They don’t get home-made meals for dinner they eat MRE’s which stands for meals ready to eat. Just add water and there’s breakfast lunch and dinner. These men and women believe so much in what they are doing and the peace they hope to create that they do the things that some would refuse.

Some would say oh well it’s like they are on vacation. They get to see different places and what not, yes. Though they don’t stay in hotel’s they sleep in tents, wooden shacks, even just in the dirt depending on the circumstances. They don’t get to go sight-seeing, they see what they are told too when they are told to, and these things aren’t normally that countries monuments. They mostly consist of the target of their mission. A mission they believe is another step forward towards peace, which gives them reason to go on the way they are.

All this for peace seems a little much to you maybe, but if it’s peace at stake wouldn’t you be willing to give up something? Whether it’s world peace or just peace within you I believe that we all have it in us to give up something for it. May it be our life or just our cell phones; I believe that in the time of need most often than not people are willing to give up something of importance in their life for peace. Because when it comes right down to it peace is something I believe that everyone wishes for.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gay Rights

The video that we saw on gay rights was a nice peaceful way to stop the bullying in schools. I support gay rights, I believe that everyone is the same no matter who they fall in love with thats their chiose and thats cool with me. In the video when the boy stood up for the other boy in his class even though he was straight and the response from the other students just shows me that there is still human beings in the world. Human beings that can care for one another no matter the circumstances, and can stop the bullying. To know that makes me happy. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This year in Egypt there has been an uprising of the people there because the people no longer like who was in power, President Hosni Mubarak. In the beginning of the protest Mubarak had told Egypt that he was going to stay on for the rest of his term but not run again. Though that did not sit well with the people of Egypt so the protests continued, until Mubarak finally stepped down on Feb. 11 2011. It took about 18 days of protesting and the loss of support from the military and the U.S. for him to finally take that step in leaving office. I chose Egypt for my report because it's a major event that is taking place right now and the fact that the country can just shut down technologie in order to try and save their bad government and not let the world know what i happening at every moment intriges me. The world was basically on a stand still waiting for info from Egypt and it was crazy, i personally didn't know what was happening when i saw all the messages that said "Pray for #Egypt" on Facebook and other cites and when i asked people most didn't know either, it took me at least a day to find someone who actually knew what that meant and what was going on. The whole time i was just thinking with all the resources and technologie how is it that no one i knew could tell me anything about that message, "Pray for #Egypt". Now that I'm researching it i found that that message was the last tweet from a man named Wael Ghonim, an executive from Google Egypt, before he was imprisoned for 12 days without anyone knowing of his whereabouts. So to me this whole situation is fascinating and that's why i chose Egypt.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Date: 02/11/11
To: 1311 Students
From: Tiffany Gailey

The peace organization I chose is Peace4Kids.  This organization specializes in helping kids in the Los Angeles area who are in the foster care program. They help kids stay off the streets and off drugs. Peace4Kids offer four programs to help the children, the Saturday program, the teen program, the emancipation services program, and the mentor program. The Saturday program gives the kids an education, trips, life skills and mentorship opportunities for over 200 kids ages 5-18. The teen program focus’ on kids between the ages of 13-19 to help them with independent living skills, emotional and behavioral intelligence, economic literacy, dream discovery and goal setting. The Emancipation services program helps those kids who are about to age out of the foster care program, aging out means that they will no longer belong to anyone but themselves if they have not yet been adopted. The Emancipation services program helps them transition into adults and help them to better understand the process they are undergoing. Last but most definitely not least the Mentor program is most likely related to the Big Brother Big Sister program they link foster and at-risk kids with caring adults who have made long term commitments to mentorship. I was adopted when I was younger which is why I believe in this organization and others like it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Film on Central Asia Institute

The film was informative. I didn't previously know that anyone was trying to build multiple schools in Iraq or Pakistan let alone one. Mark is doing a very nice caring thing for the people, mostly the girls, who need education right now over in those areas of the world. The short film showed how many of the people want to learn and grow and educate themselves so as to not keep going in the same direction. All of them believe the power to change anything is in the young girls and that just educating them to a 5th grade level will change so many aspects of the life they have now, such as the baby count young women will stop having so many kids and so many of the kids dying because of unsanitary living situations. Because the girls ill learn how they can keep life much more sanitary and livable another thing that the girls will help improve is that with the traits and such that they learn they can contribute to the local economy. One man, Mark, helping out people, that once helped him, and who aspired to a better life, a better education has started to change history. It wont happen immediately but in the future when these children take what they have learned and teach new generations and the new generations continue to learn more the way of there life and culture will change dramatically. 

Friday, January 28, 2011