If someone were to take away your cell-phone, your computer, or your television how long would you last before you went “insane”? If you were told it was for peace, would that help? The men and women in the military not only have to leave behind our everyday electronics but they leave behind their family, friends, and they live with the thought, everyday they are overseas, the fact that they may not be coming home. Even if they come home they are risking their sanity. Everything they see and have to do can mess with their head and make them have all sorts of mental problems. On the same note of coming home, they might not come home with every limb intact either.
Those men and women risk everything in the name in of peace. They go months without even getting to have contact with their loved ones. They don’t get home-made meals for dinner they eat MRE’s which stands for meals ready to eat. Just add water and there’s breakfast lunch and dinner. These men and women believe so much in what they are doing and the peace they hope to create that they do the things that some would refuse.
Some would say oh well it’s like they are on vacation. They get to see different places and what not, yes. Though they don’t stay in hotel’s they sleep in tents, wooden shacks, even just in the dirt depending on the circumstances. They don’t get to go sight-seeing, they see what they are told too when they are told to, and these things aren’t normally that countries monuments. They mostly consist of the target of their mission. A mission they believe is another step forward towards peace, which gives them reason to go on the way they are.
All this for peace seems a little much to you maybe, but if it’s peace at stake wouldn’t you be willing to give up something? Whether it’s world peace or just peace within you I believe that we all have it in us to give up something for it. May it be our life or just our cell phones; I believe that in the time of need most often than not people are willing to give up something of importance in their life for peace. Because when it comes right down to it peace is something I believe that everyone wishes for.
I would agree that the inability to relinquish some of our frivolous desires is a major impediment to peace. We must be willing to give up certain things which aren't necessary in order to attain peace. The ceaseless struggle for creature comforts is something we must put behind us.